Thursday, February 02, 2006

B I Ellie O and BILEO was his name-o.

Do I know you Ellie O?  I don’t believe I do.  I’ve wracked my brains for anyone by that name and haven’t come up with a single connection.  So I assume you’ve somehow come across this blog and found it interesting enough to keep up on.  Congratulations on having good taste.  And quite an impressive vocabulary.  But I believe a minor disclaimer is in order.  I am not a typical Mormon.  Nor do I feel I am a typical anything.  I can’t think of any label that perfectly fits me.  I’m not completely any one way and am a great many things incompletely.  So feel free to catch a glimpse of an LDS individual through this page, but certainly don’t deem it representative.

In defense of my view on unikers (the term moniker is already taken, so unicyclists are unikers) is very specific to BYU unikers.  I have few qualms with the actual vehicle, just those individuals on my campus who feel that their unicycles makes them special.  I have no doubt that they are both talented and well-practiced.  I doubt their capacity for individual thought.  My brother has a cane he occasionally sports about campus.  This is relatively novel (although I would point out that my sophomore year Pat and I brought canes to church on several occasions.)  I’m not saying novel equates with cool, but it’s a start.  Being the thirtieth BYU student in 5 years to ride a unicycle is neither novel nor cool, whereas I feel they believe it to be both.

On a related note (to the first point, not the second,) I do appreciate comments.  However, if I don’t know you, or even if I do, I think a brief autobiographical statement on your first comment would be interesting and helpful.    


Catherine Elizabeth said...

Ellie O,
If you don't know Christopher personally, then I'm really impressed that you guessed that Amy and he are siblings (you are correct). I am also a sibling, but lest you think us all anti-unicycle, I will state on the record to be completely neutral to them. I would actually like to give it a try myself sometime.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I'm commenting on my own blog. How delightfully self-referential. Ellie O (I may never be able to think of you without the initial) let me know if you'd like me to delete your comment so that your email address isn't posted for the world to see. I assume you don't mind, but it would be a relatively easy service for me to provide.

Anonymous said...

oops--please do.

Anonymous said...

I would still love to know about Ellie O