As you may know, I'm going to Thailand in a couple weeks. Which is awesome, btw.
However, I'm in need of some assistance. If you're in the Phoenix area:
1. Do you have a Type A or Type C socket adapter? They're the two equal sized prongs similar to ours, and the two cylindrical ones.
2. Do you have a neck pillow?
3. Do you have a suggestion for a good book to read? Keep in mind that for all intents and purposes I haven't read anything in the last decade, and I am primarily interested in books under 200 pages to better fit in my restricted luggage.
If you're not in Phoenix:
1. Have you been to Thailand? If so, any suggestions?
2. Do you have a suggestion for a good book to read?
I would suggest getting a Kindle or Nook. (preferably check the PHX library system and see which one they support.) Blah blah blah real books blah. Whatever. The Kindle has saved my life on so many vacations I can't even express. Don't like the book you have? Don't have room for books? Oh, look at this tiny lightweight thing that can INSTANTLY BECOME ANOTHER BOOK! Trust me, you'll be glad you did it.
Also, I suggest "The New York Singles Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance" in the memoir category, "The Lincoln Lawyer" (don't laugh) in the grown up fiction category, "The Hunger Games" in the young adult fiction category, and "Imperial Life in the Emerald City" in the nonfiction category. All awesome. All completely vacation-readable.
PS - Way jealous of Thailand.
(Ahem - there are too many "singles" in that book title - whatever it is, it's a long title. Just google it.)
My recommendation is for Raise High the Roof Beam Carpenters and Seymour an Introduction by JD Salinger. It's short, easy, and Easternly philosophical. I also support the recommendation for The Hunger Games. It's a very engaging series.
There is some book about some ship that sailed into some Northern sea and got wrecked that someone was reading for something like six years that I bet you could borrow.
In other areas, I bet you'd like "Lies of Locke Lamora" by Scott Lynch - about the right length for your plane flight. Ru is right about the kindle, too, btw. Except that you are also right about not really reading.
hunger games? i just started them. and it's about kids killing each other so you might like it...right?
I'll debrief you about my experience - I should see you before you leave. And I've got adapters you can take.
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